Today's Peace-full thought:
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the
world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let
it be fearful. (NASB)
Today's Prescription for Peace:
Peace. Can you picture it? What do you see?
Does your mental picture include a golden sunset at the edge of a lake,
a gentle ocean breeze, or frozen breath on a snow topped mountain?
Does your last picture of peace date back to a time in your life before
your problems began; before abuse, divorce, bankruptcy, infertility,
unemployment, etc.?
There are different ways to define peace, and each one of us may have a
different mental picture, so it’s important to reflect on what is
shaping our picture of peace.
For example, peace to a mom of several young toddlers might be a lack
of noise. Peace to a mom of teenagers might be a noisy house, knowing
that all her kids are safely at home. Peace to a busy employee might be
a day without problems or deadlines. Peace to a high school student
might be the absence of a bully who taunts him or her every day. Peace
to a person struggling financially might mean knowing that all of the
bills are paid. Peace to a person who is unhappy with their job might
be the acquirement of a new position.
Sometimes our mental pictures of peace – those dream scenarios that we
think will make us less stressed – can actually distort our view of what
real peace really is. Unfortunately, the longer we reflect on the
world’s view of peace instead of peace that is found in Jesus, the
chances of ever finding real peace is slim to none.
Many people think that the definition of peace is simply the absence of
conflict, but the absence of conflict is only a temporary situation
that will always eventually come to a close. This is a fragile view of
peace, because the sense of peace is based solely on one’s
A much better definition of peace is one that rests on the ability to
rise above our circumstances, overcome our innate tendency to stress out
over problems, and help us learn to remain calm and confident despite
what is going on around us.
That is real peace—a peace based on Christ, not on people or
circumstances. A peace based on faith, not on personal desires being
met. A peace based on a quieted heart, not on a quiet house. A peace
based on the love of Jesus, not on an easy day at work. A peace based on
trusting God in all things, not just the simple things we think we can
handle on our own.
Is it possible that peace has seemed a thing of the past and out of
your reach, because you have been searching for peace in all the wrong
places? Because you have had allowed the world’s pictures of peace to
distort what real peace really is? Because you have succumbed to the lie
that your life can never be peaceful again, because of the
circumstances in your life right now?
Sometimes we need to reflect on the past and the present, and peek at
what our private mental picture of peace really is, in order to discover
that we might need to make some mental adjustments. Once we grab onto
God's picture of peace and ask Him to intervene in our lives, we can
step into every day with our hearts and minds focused on God. Doing
that does automatically mean that every day will be free of conflict and
overflowing with serenity, but we can ask for God to help our hearts
not be troubled - or at least, not near as much.
God's truths in today's key verse remind us that real peace can be
fully present in our hearts on the inside, even when our entire life is
overflowing with chaos on the outside. Real peace does not come when
life starts going our way, people start getting what they deserve, and
all problems get resolved.
Only Jesus can give real peace. Real peace that is not based on
circumstances. Once we get a taste of that kind of peace- we are never
the same again.
Dear Lord, I do want a peace that is a life transforming. Peace
that I know can only from You. My life is chaotic, and I have simply not
taken time to reflect on when peace became a memory, instead of a
reality, in my life. I ask that You infuse Your peace into my heart, and
quiet my soul. Help me to see You in the midst of my circumstances,
rather than only seeing my circumstances. Help me to seek You above all
else, even when what I really want to seek, is change. Help me come to
know You through the challenges I am facing, so that Your peace can be
mine. In Jesus name, Amen.
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