Revive Your Marriage Week Three!
Today I tuned in to for the Revive Your Marriage series.
Isn't it funny how when God is giving you a message, He gives it to you everywhere you turn. Thank you, Lord for not being subtle with me. You know I don't get subtle very well!
She says in her post, "What we see in all of this is that true friendship is not self-seeking. If we want to strengthen the bond, we must be willing to give up our desires for the good of another. " If you see my post from last night, you will see that God has been talking to me about loving like He loves. True love is not self seeking, it is self-sacrificing.
You can read the rest of her post here.
The first week we talked about reviving our prayers for our husbands.
The second week we talked about changing our attitudes, reviving an renewing a loving attitude.
The challenge for this week is to revive your friendship. That means to treat your husband like a friend. Do something fun together! Take some time to be together and laugh! Find a movie that you know you both love and watch it! Go bowling! Go skating! Go take a hike! Do something fun!
To so this you have to begin with prayer and a good attitude.
If you haven't done it yet, pray for your husband like never before. Address every area of his life, especially his wife!LOL!
Then take stock of your attitude towards him and your marriage. That has to be right to have some fun with him.You have to be willing to be his friend...
It's hard with the stresses and strains of life and kids to remember what it was like when you were just good friends.
Disagreements, disappointments, the distance of a lack of time, the distance of responsibilities, the distance of unmet expectations, the distance that can creep in and squash your marriage, it's hard to forgive all that. Instead of kindness to one another, there's irritation.
Instead of forgiveness, often anger and bitterness.
Marriage is hard. It takes a rubber meets the road relationship with Christ to survive, much less thrive.
The bitter poison of unforgiveness can kill a marriage. It will kill you! We weren't intended to carry a load of bitterness around. You need to throw that load off, give it to God, and have the joy and peace He intends for you. You are poisoning yourself and your marriage!
Don't let Satan have that victory!
I know, they really don't deserve to be forgiven.
Neither do we.
And yet...
Hebrews 10:10, And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.(NIV)
A Savior endured the shame and pain of Calvary for us. At judgement, the sentence will be, "Not Guilty."
Not because we deserve to go without punishment, but because He loved us enough to take the pain and shame of our sin and bear it on the cross.
It's a debt we can't pay.
But we can forgive, for Him.
Because He is worth it.
Because we want to glorify Him and the sacrifice He made that we might have victory.
I am grateful for His mercy every day and I want to extend that mercy to all who wound me.
I want the "Living Water" to flow from me to them in love and forgiveness!
So let go of the past and enjoy your husband once again.
You can have the romance and relationship that God intended for you to have. Let the God of all hope go with you to redeem your marriage, your romance, your relationship and have glorious fun!
Luke 1:37, "For nothing is impossible with God." (NIV)
Let's go there together and love our husbands the way God intended and have the marriages we always dreamed of!
Don't forget to visit these sites for additional encouragement for your marriage!
They have some invaluable insights that you need to hear!

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